
Get Siri on Iphone 4 Without Jailbreak

One of the biggest selling points of that shiny new iPhone 4S is the inclusion of Siri, everybody's favorite voice assistant. Just give Siri command or ask it a question and it will help you out. It's like the voice command you know and loves from forever, but refined to that high degree personified by Apple products.

However, there is some good news for those of us who are waiting for an iPhone 5 (and not just a 4.5). Siri is not really exclusive to the 4S. Apple's excuse is "technical issues" prevent porting Siri to other devices, but that's total crap. Apple's actually ported Siri to the iPhone 4 themselves. True story. And lest we forget, Siri was originally compatible with all devices.

Thankfully, the hackers have got your back. If you're willing to put in some effort and get elbow-deep in iPhone hacking, there is a way to get Siri on an iDevice that is not an iPhone 4S. The catch is that the process is totally illegal and your version of Siri can't talk to Apple's servers. So, consider this guide for… educational purposes. We do not endorse infringing on Apple's copyrights. This guide is merely informational.

With that out of the way, here's how you hack Siri.

Get Siri on iPhone 4 or iPod

Materials Needed

  • A downloaded copy of Siri from here. (This file is no longer available)
  • A working, jailbroken version of iOS 5 running on an iPhone or iPod Touch. If you haven't jailbroken, check out some of our guides.
  • iFile, which can be downloaded from Cydia. It's $4 or free from the Sinful iPhone repo. I recommend buying it, iFile is an essential app for jailbreaking.

Moving Materials

Start iFile on your iPhone. At the bottom is a small wifi logo. Tap that and the iFile server will start. Your iPhone just became a server which you can access on your desktop computer.

If the server is working, you should see a bunch of tiny white text on a black background. The last line should include a web address that is composed of entire numbers. That's your iPhone. Go to that address in your computer's browser.


The iPhone file system is labyrinthine at best, so don't worry if the mess of folders is confusing. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click "Upload File." Select the file you downloaded earlier,

Your iPhone should show a progress bar at the bottom. Once that bar hits one hundred percent and your computer browser says "File successfully uploaded," it's finished.

Installing Siri

Tap the blue "Done" button in the upper right corner of the iFile web server page. This will shut down the server, you don't need it anymore.

Depending on whether you've used iFile before, you may find yourself at a different point in the iPhone file system. Just keep tapping the back arrow in the upper left until you can't go back anymore. This should be the root, where you uploaded

Tap Choose to open it with Unarchiver. Your iPhone will now display some awesome scrolling text that should make you feel like a super hacker. It's extracting the zip file. Tap "Done" once it's finished.

At the top is a folder labeled "_MACOSX." Delete that, it's useless. Go to the folder labeled "Siri" and open it. Inside is another folder named "AssistantServices.framework." Tap "Edit" in the upper right and then tap AssistantServices.framework. Now tap the clipboard in the bottom right and choose "Copy/Link." Tap "Done."


(image credit)

Tap the "/" arrow in the upper right. Now go to /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks. Tap "Edit" and touch the clipboard again and hit "Paste."

Go back to the root directory (keep touching the upper left arrow until it disappears). Go to /Siri/SpringBoard_Assistant_pics. Copy every file inside there and paste them inside /System/library/CoreServices/

Stay inside that folder. Find N90AP.plist or N81AP.plist (this takes a lot of scrolling). Touch it and open it as a text file. Find the line that reads "<key>720p</key><true/>" near the bottom. After that hit enter and type in this line:



Just use the space bar to indent those two lines.

Finally, restart SpringBoard while holding down the Home button. If you don't know how to respring, download SBSettings from Cydia. It's a super-easy way to respring.

Final Touches

If everything goes according to plan, your iPod Touch or iPhone should take quite a while to respring but will now boot with a little extra: Siri.

The downside to hacking Siri is that it can't communicate with Apple servers. This sort of takes the fun out of asking Siri any question imaginable and having it lookup an answer. Still, if you liked the idea of dictating texts or using voice commands to control your phone, hacked Siri will do nicely.

See Also:

Get Siri on Iphone 4 Without Jailbreak


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